5th Grade Expectations

Parent Involvement~

Focus on responsibility—It is important that students take responsibility for their own learning and behavior.  Students who are responsible become more self-motivated and self-directed. Responsible students learn from their mistakes and take corrective action.  

Communicate—Communicating with your student and your student’s teacher is key to having a smooth year. Share your expectations with your student regarding school. Discuss what happened during the school day.  Check the student’s home folder and planner pages to see if their information matches what is on the website. Call or email the teacher with questions or concerns.

To Be Successful in Fifth Grade~

Set goals—Set daily, weekly, and even yearly goals.  Plan how you are going to achieve these goals and then evaluate yourself as you go along.

Manage your time—Use your time wisely both during and after school hours. Don’t put homework off until the last minute.

Use your planner —A planner can help with time management and keeping track of assignments.  Fill it in daily and have your parents review it on a nightly basis.

Develop a study plan—Decide when, where, how long, and in what order subjects should be studied.  

Be prepared—Mark upcoming test dates in your planner and check the fifth-grade homework webpage.  Create your own “practice” test questions. Review notes with another person.  Memorize facts and formulas, and relate learning to things you already know. Make sure you have all the supplies you need to fulfill the requirements for each assignment.

Avoid stressful school situations—Make sure you have all your homework and other necessary materials before you leave school.  Get ready for the next day five or 10 minutes before bedtime. Don’t wait until the morning to try and remember everything that needs to be returned to school or must be signed by your parents.

Listen and follow directions—A large portion of what it takes to be successful is as simple as listening and following directions.  Paying attention in class allows you to better understand directions.

Solve conflicts with others peacefully—It’s okay to disagree, but it’s not okay to become verbally or physically abusive.  Harassment is NOT allowed. Talk to the people involved. Ask for explanations regarding their actions.  Tell people how you are feeling in a non-threatening way. Think about how you can resolve the problem.  You can also seek an adult to help you work through any conflicts.

Accept responsibility—Understand that your actions may have consequences, both good and bad.  Don’t make excuses, make good choices.

Daily Information~

Absence—Contact the office via email or phone to report your child’s absence. Please check the Parent/Student Handbook for more information on absenteeism.

Band—Students who are in band are responsible for remembering their lessons. I receive one master list which is posted on the door, but it is up to the student to leave/return to class on time.  Students are permitted to leave 2 minutes prior to their lesson and are expected to return to class no later than 2 minutes after their lesson.

Behavior—Misbehavior consequences can range from a conference with the student and his/her parents and/or missing recess.

Birthdays (optional)—Students are “invited” to bring store-bought treats for the entire class on their birthday (this is optional). Summer birthdays will be given a “birthday” date if they choose to participate.

Communication—The quickest way to find out what’s going on in the classroom is to check the planner on a daily basis or check our Fifth Grade Homework webpage.  I will also be emailing a weekly "Peek of the Week" on Fridays.  This will inform you of what to expect for the upcoming week.  It will include reminders and "need to knows".

Conferences—The scheduled fall conferences will take place with your child’s homeroom teacher.

Grades—Grades can be found by accessing SKYWARD.  If you do not have a code, or you have lost yours, please contact the office.  Delano Intermediate School is “mostly” a paperless environment; therefore, the main way to “see” grades is by accessing SKYWARD.  Although I try my best, I cannot always enter grades on a daily basis. Generally, grades are updated weekly. Assessments are 100% of the grade.
* If you see an asterisk where an assignment is listed, please don’t automatically assume your child is missing that assignment.  Occasionally, they may be excused from an assignment due to illness, vacations, or difficulty with completion. Ask your student to talk to me directly.

Homework—The amount of homework your students will have depends a lot on how well a student utilizes class work time.  Expect somewhere around one hour per night. Check the FIFTH GRADE HOMEWORK webpage for access to all of the Fifth Grade Teachers’ homework assignments.

Media Center (Library)—Fifth Grade visits the Media Center on a rotating basis. We will have an assigned library time, and students are expected to have a novel at school for silent reading.  

Parent Resources—The best way to get in touch with me is via e-mail.  I will also encourage your child to email me if there are homework questions.  I will respond in the evening. - jessica.benker@delanoschools.org    - (763)972-7602 ext. 1610.

Planner—Students will receive a bi-weekly planner on the first day of school. We will fill out the planner together every day with homework and any important information.  Please check your child’s planner each night. This is a great communication tool.

Snacks—Students are given a daily 10-minute snack period.  They should bring healthy snacks, such as fruit, crackers, and granola bars.

Vocabulary Weeks— Vocabulary is not on a weekly schedule but rather once a month.  When it is a vocabulary week, students will be given a list of words on Monday that they will have all week to study.  They will have assignments to learn the words as well as a test.

Vacations—Please let me know at least a week before a scheduled vacation. Sending work with students or providing work prior to a vacation may not be an option this year.  Students may need to collect their work when they return to school or they may need to stay after school to make up missed work.

If necessary, I will send out email notifications regarding important information you need to know.  We rely on your student to fill out his/her planner to keep you updated on day-to-day happenings; this includes upcoming tests, assignments, and other due dates.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Aug 29, 2018