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Business Office

A transparent and good steward of public resources, the Delano Public School District shares financial documents with the public. Documents are prepared with state and federal laws and accounting practices and follow the district's policies. The district conducts an audit annually in accordance with statute.

Financial Information 
District Revenue and Expenditure 

Financial Audits

Financial audits, conducted by an independent auditing firm, are required for all Minnesota school districts at the end of each fiscal year, which runs from July 1 through June 30. 

Truth in Taxation

Per State Statute, Delano Public Schools holds a Truth in Taxation hearing each December to inform taxpayers about the proposed tax levy that will be certified for the upcoming year, along with updates on the prior year's budget and current year's budget. 

View a presentation on property tax levies, legislative changes, information on school funding and the District budget, proposed taxes, tax impact, and property tax refunds.

Contact Us

Holly Streiff
763-972-3365 ext. 1953

Business Manager
Mary Reeder
763-972-3365 ext. 1951

Human Resources
Rebecca Ring
763-972-3365 ext. 1952

Oda Sturey
763-972-3365 ext. 1954

Student Information Systems
Debbie Findley
796-972-3365 ext. 1711
