Safe routes to school

Posted on: Jan 3, 2019

Safe routes to school

Student safety is Delano Public Schools’ greatest priority. In addition to emergency preparedness and response, providing safe routes to schools for students via the bus, parent drop off/pickup, walking and biking is critical to ensuring the safety of our students. Delano Public Schools is working with officials from the City of Delano and Wright County to monitor these routes and develop improvements as demographics and traffic patterns change in the vicinity of the school campus.   

The purpose of this article is provide direction to all parents, students, and staff for the proper paths that should be used to safely access our schools during the critical times of arrival and dismissal (7:30 to 8 a.m. and 2:40 to 3:15 p.m.). View detailed maps and explanations here. To effectively implement these routes, parents, staff, visitors, and students must work together to perform their respective roles. 
District staff will communicate the expectations for safe travel to/from school and monitor/control the designated crosswalks.

Parents will communicate the expectations set forth with their students and help students learn the proper routes to school. Parents will only use the drop off/pick up zones when getting students to/from school during arrival and dismissal times.

Students should not enter the parking lot to meet parents during these high traffic times. Students will follow the expected paths to school, follow the directions of crossing guards, and be attentive to their surroundings.

All campus visitors will drive slowly and attentively through campus roads and parking lots.

Click the maps link for instructions on particular campus intersections.

Post Categories: Elementary School, High School, Intermediate School