Distance learning plans

Posted on: Mar 25, 2020

Following the executive orders of Governor Tim Walz to close schools and create a distance learning plan, Delano Public Schools is providing the following information for families. 

In order for students to access instruction most teachers in grades K-2 will be using Seesaw and teachers in grades 3-12 will be using Google Classroom. Students will need to log in according to specific instructions by their teacher. Most staff will have office hours of 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., excluding a lunch break. Most teachers will be posting their exclusion time. 

Grades: Grading and assessments may be modified for the students, but we intend that this model of delivery (e-learning) will be equivalent to what students receive in school. Individual teachers will be responsible for grading the work of their students and recording those grades.

Distance Learning Attendance: Students are expected to attend each of their classes daily. Students/parents should refer to each teacher’s online classes to determine how attendance will be administered. 

Anticipated Response Times: Delano staff will make every attempt to respond to emails or phone messages as quickly as possible. It is our intent and desire to respond to students within 90 minutes for questions during their “office” hours. Correspondence with staff after 3 p.m. may take as long as noon the following day.

Student Online Expectations: Although many students may still be at home when receiving their distance learning opportunity, during live streaming, video conferencing, or turning videos in for assignments, it is still school. Expectations regarding dress, language, manners etc. will be as if students are on campus. Students should expect that ALL virtual meetings with staff will be recorded. This includes whole class, small group, and individual online meetings. 

In the event that you experience technical issues with technology, our IT team has created an FAQ for your convenience. The FAQ will be updated as different issues arise to provide the most up to date information. After visiting the FAQ, if your issue is still not resolved, we ask that you first contact your child’s teacher. If they are unable to resolve the issue in a timely manner, they will forward the case.

More specific information for schools and teachers can be found at the following links:





English Learners (EL)

Post Categories: Community Education, Elementary School, High School, Intermediate School