Delano Public Schools(DPS) utilizes a variety of assessments to gauge student learning and the effectiveness of classroom instruction.
We believe parents and students experience more confidence and success in the assessment process when they better understand its purpose and how testing data is used. The information below is provided to answer your questions about assessments and to explain why we administer assessments at DPS.
Between the first day of early childhood and graduation day, students will experience three testing formats: classroom tests (i.e. subject area tests created by the classroom teacher), screening assessments (i.e. FASTbridge), and state mandated standardized assessments (i.e. MCAs).
All of these assessments provide valuable information to the district. Assessment results are used to determine if students are mastering key content knowledge and attaining skills aligned with essential academic standards. Schools use the information to improve, or change classroom teaching strategies and methods.Teachers and principals look for areas where students are doing well and for areas where students may benefit from extra support.
The following information describes in more detail, what assessments are used and how the data is used to ensure success.